One Minute You're Here lyrics

Bruce Springsteen Lyrics

"One Minute You're Here"

Big black train comin’ down the track
Blow your whistle long and long
One minute you’re here
Next minute you’re gone

I lay my penny down on the rails
As the summer wind sings its last song
One minute you’re here
Next minute you’re gone

Baby baby baby
I’m so alone
Baby baby baby
I’m coming home

Autumn carnival on the edge of town
We walk down the midway arm-in-arm
One minute you’re here
Next minute you’re gone

I thought I knew just who I was
And what I’d do but I was wrong
One minute you’re here
Next minute you’re gone

Red river running along the edge of town
On the muddy banks
I lay my body down
This body down

Footsteps cracklin’ on a gravel road
Stars vanish in a sky as black as stone

One minute you’re here
Next minute you’re gone
One minute you’re here
Next minute you’re gone
One minute you’re here

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