Gabbie Hanna Lyrics


i’d have bought you a chessboard for christmas.
yours was missing some pieces but you always wanted to play.

i’d have your last name engraved in the side of the case
and played with you all christmas day.

i’d have tried my best to master chess
’cause it’d be nice to share your time.

i’d have tried my best to master chess
’cause it’d be nice to win sometimes.

i’d have learned how to move
based on what you would do
and know to think ahead

i’d have learned that the queen
needs the most protecting
and to kill off a king, instead

more pieces would get lost
you’d be bored
and you’d toss it away
that’s how you repay me

i’d have bought you a chess board for christmas
and told you “this gift is the best you’d ever gave me”

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