Confrontation lyrics

Get Dead Lyrics


FUCK the left FUCK the right
FUCK the conservatives controlling the kids
FUCK them liberals that take it all so literal
Mass manipulation
They found a way to split us up
Pit us up against each other
By dissecting human beings
Divide us up into subgenres
Seems that these things are not fading
How would we know the rules have changed
When we’ve never played the game?
When did this place become so lame?
This cannot be the only way
Knock a swazi off a Nazi
Kill your TV. Go kamikaze
Throw a rock. Start a riot
Fight a cop light a fire
Shoot at anything that moves
Don’t forget they’re all liars
They build walls we’ll build ladders
They lock us up, it don’t matter
One go down
Two pop up
Three eyes watch four lies
Live at five o’clock
Knock a swazi off a Nazi
Kill your TV. Go kamikaze
Throw a rock. Start a riot
Fight a cop light a fire
Shoot anything that moves
Don’t forget they’re all liars
So sick of the apologies
The thoughts and the prayers
The profits from the misery
Look at yourself now
Only one to blame
Look at yourself now
Only one to blame
Someone’s got a gun
Knock a swazi off a Nazi
Kill your TV. Go kamikaze
Throw a rock. Start a riot
Fight a cop light a fire
Shoot anything that moves
Don’t forget they’re all liars

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