Glitch lyrics

Get Dead Lyrics


Well I’d die for this in a second
Wouldn’t change anything at all
Push a knife right through my heart
Well it’s been a good run
A pleasure meeting your acquaintance
We smoked it to the filter
Until the wheels came off
Then Chris caught a greyhound bus
Back to Florida
Mike and Andy headed towards
Those Bremerton lights
Patrick caught a red eye flight
Midwest by morning time
We ride the radio waves into the bay tonight
When it’s all over it’s so quite
Can’t sleep without the TV on
Life without the night lights of the Econoline
Familiar walls and messy feelings
A collection of reasons to be leaving again
Why even try
Drunk again smoking in the bathroom
Of a terminal
Cursing my own name for the mess I’m in
Ignored your phone call this morning
I’m sure it was to say it’s all over again
So I’ll ride these radio waves into the bay tonight

Other lyrics by Get Dead

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Get Dead – Stickup
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Get Dead – Confrontation
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