All Of This Is Fleeting lyrics

Polaris Lyrics

"All Of This Is Fleeting"

Between the waves, they break like glass
Pastel skies that turn to grey, in whispers they ask:
Is there anybody out there? were you ever listening?

Tear away all the pieces left worth saving. I’m a ghost, I’m a broken entity
This is all I have from a life spent wishing, waiting, and I won’t let go if you beg me to

Strain til you’re barely breathing. pain, just to give it meaning
The blood we shed for these hollow endeavours: what is it worth if no one remembers?
If there’s anybody out there, they were never listening

Tear away all the pieces left worth saving. I’m a ghost, I’m a broken entity
This is all I have from a life spent wishing, waiting, and I won’t let go if you beg me to

Frail hands worked to the bone. No chance to buy back the life that we sold
Freedom, false as your hope.
Each will suffer the same. Our own rapture, our own judgement day
To no end we will burn, if we…

Turn away, cause you’re far too late to save me. I’m just a shell of the man I used to be
This is all I have from a life spent wishing, waiting, and I won’t let go if you beg me to

What is it worth if no one remembers?

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