Harbor Me lyrics

The Mountain Goats Lyrics

"Harbor Me"

Clear me a space
On the hallway closet floor
Lie to the cops
When they’re at your door
Throw crumbs
Get the hounds off my tail
Make sure the coast is clear
Before you get my mail

Harbor me when I’m hungry
Harbor me when I’m hunted

Grab some shades
From the gas station rack
Living in fear
Until you come back
Sound of the key
Like an orchestral cue
Into the daylight
Thank God it’s you

Harbor me when I’m shaken
Harbor me when I’m lost

Never see the day before dark
Every fugitive hour leaves its mark
Coded marks on a map
Written in my own hand
Parse it for days
Still can’t understand
Bring me a candle
Bring me a match
Bring me some gasoline
Down the hatch

Harbor me when I’m breathless
Harbor me when I’m choking

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